Virtual Practice Support for Allied Health Professionals

We're passionate about providing structure, organisation and connection to your private practice.  Whether it's tackling tricky admin tasks or nailing your marketing game, we've got your back. Think of us as your secret sauce for making private practice a breeze. Specialising and tailored especially for mental health and allied health professionals.

Curious about what a virtual administrator is? Let us break it down for you.

Think of us as your friendly reception team, just like the ones you'd find at your local GP or specialist clinic, but with a unique twist – we're completely virtual!

The beauty of virtual administration, especially here at SPM, is that you can enjoy all the benefits of having a dedicated admin staff member or team available five days a week without the commitment of a full-time salary or multiple hires.

Our array of services are designed to simplify your journey into private practice and streamline your day-to-day practice management. From virtual administration and administration courses to CRM setups, bookkeeping, marketing, and website design, consider us your one-stop solution!

Our Zones of Genius


Virtual administration is at the heart of what we do. We specialise in providing comprehensive support to allied health professionals across Australia. To put it simply, imagine the friendly receptionist at your local GP clinic — we offer all the same services, just from a remote location! We can even answer all your phone calls, ensuring your clients are getting the best possible service and leads are converting into new clients. 

Our goal is straightforward: to simplify your life. We take on those time-consuming admin tasks that can clutter your schedule and mind, allowing you to focus on what matters most. 




Marketing - it seems to be the bane of every allied health professional's existence! We get it; you didn’t start your business to spend hours per week creating social media posts, understanding the intricacies of email marketing or updating your website.

It doesn’t need to be your zone of genius, because it’s ours.

We provide marketing for psychologists and other allied health professionals so that you can focus on the work that actually matters to you: supporting your clients.



You don't need to spend your valuable time learning bookkeeping.
We can handle it!

We can help with BAS preparation, reconciliation, setting up accounting software, knowing what to claim and more.


We're experts in...